Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hurricanes Katrina & Rita Web Archive

Internet Archive has comeup with "Hurricanes Katrina & Rita Web Archive", containing more than 25 million searchable documents.

Internet Archive and many individual contributors created a comprehensive list of websites documenting the historic devastation and massive relief effort due to Hurricane Katrina. The sites were crawled between the dates of September 4 - October 17th. This collection will be preserved by Internet Archive with access to historians, researchers, scholars and the general public.

Greenstone Digital Library : Version 3 Alpha released

Greenstone 3 is a complete redesign and reimplementation of the original Greenstone digital library software (Greenstone 2). When complete, it will retain all the advantages of Greenstone 2 - for example, it will be multilingual, multiplatform, and highly configurable. It incorporates all the features of the existing system, and is backwards compatible: that is, it can build and run existing collections without modification. Written in Java, it is structured as a network of independent modules that communicate using XML: thus it runs in a distributed fashion and can be spread across different servers as necessary. This modular design increases the flexibility and extensibility of Greenstone.

Caution : Greenstone 3 is the research version of Greenstone, and is still incomplete, and not stable. For a production digital library they recommend using Greenstone 2.

However, you may like to try Greenstone 3 if:
  • You want increased flexibility with the interface, and like using XSLT.
  • You have your own library front end, and want to talk to a Greenstone collection server using XML and SOAP.
  • You want a distributed library
  • You want to add exciting new features into a Greenstone library, and have difficulty understanding the Greenstone 2 C++ source code
  • You like trying out new software
  • You are kind and generous and would like to help out by testing the new software (thanks!)

My Library Trading Card

My Trading Card
Originally uploaded by Hi Pandian.

New Blog Title

I have revamped my blog and even the title of the blog. I believe the new title will reflect, my renewed interest in sharing the tech trends and my own experience in various tools and techniques in LIS.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

LISTA database Free to all Interested in Libraries and Librarianship

EBSCO Publishing is providing the Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) database as a free resource to anyone interested in libraries and information management. This world-class bibliographic database provides coverage on subjects such as librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Delivered via the EBSCOhost platform, LISTA indexes more than 600 periodicals plus books, research reports, and proceedings. With coverage dating back to the mid-1960s, it is the oldest continuously produced database covering the field of information science.

The URL to access the LISTA is http://www.libraryresearch.com. This link takes you directly to the LISTA database.